Sunday, November 4, 2007

Fam Nice

Download "Racsim Against Humanity" - HERE

Download "The Dark Ages" - HERE

Internet legend and/or one of the best unsigned artists in America ... those are just ust a few of the titles bestowed or thrown in the direction of the lyrical genius that is the man we call The Magnificent Fam Nice aka Slim Cutty. Not many can hold a flame to his mic skills, whether that's battling or just creating timeless underground classics.

These two albums are a great introduction to Fam's older work; however, check his myspace account or his website and you'll be able to download all of his albums. Will Fam "make it?" Well, the mantle of the Magnificent is no exaggeration ... and the rumour mill suggests his big break is just around the corner. So maybe the question should read not if Fam will "make it," rather did you let the next big thing just pass under your radar? Visit Fam at WWW.MYSPACE.COM/FAMNICE