Sunday, November 4, 2007

Black Liquid

Download "A Lord Slugg Production" - HERE

Download "Free Black" - HERE

In an era full of bragadocious rappers, snappers, clappers and trappers, Black Liquid aka Liq is a breath of fresh air. He's a mix between Rza, Gza, and Guru. With that said, you know there's no lack luster performance on either of these albums. Black has a fluid yet unorthadox flow that compliments his lyrics like carrots and peas. The downside of "A Lord Slugg Production" is perhaps ironically its production; with that said, Black's lyrics keep you hanging on every word.

My dude is truly a diamond in the rough waiting for ears to hear his gift. He takes it back to the boom bap with the lyrics and just when you think you'll turn off the CD you end up going from track to track until the album is done. He has some lyrical masterpieces ... sometimes the experimentation of the music music distracts from Black's wonderful brush strokes. Other than that, don't let this man go unheard! The "Black" experience is a must! These two CDs are must haves. Please support Black's music and check him out at WWW.MYSPACE.COM/BLACKLIQ